Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Deck the halls with rats called Polly, fa la la la laaa, lala la la.

Kishcrafts is a goddess of temptation and has opened discussion for the 12 Days of Christmas Swap, and now i'm obsessively checking the discussion thread for the post saying 'you know what guys, lets start now! 3 and half months early isn't THAT early!' even though i know its not going to happen.

Darren doesnt do Christmas decorating usually, so this is his first year with me in tow and it might be a bit of a shocker.

I just have SO many ideas whirling around in my head for it. I may in fact end up making other people hampers for Christmas of similar or applicable crafties. Its a bit of a mission to craft 78 items in total - yeah, its the 12 days of christmas, so each day you open another box and you get however many gifts for the applicable day, but not necessarily drummers-drumming if you get my drift.

I have ideas for Christmas cards but i know i'll forget, so memo to self here, DR ZEUS THE GRINCH CARDS.

Ta for now.

1 comment:

Samsara said...

Ha ha ha! I know what you mean, my Bf was never much one for Christmas, but I love it! I've always made all my pressies and decorated the house, played Christmas songs...He's used to it now, and confessed to me one year that I've made Christmas special for him again. He'd never admit it sober of course *lol* He's likes to pretend he's Scrooge reincarnated!